On this page I will share some stories behind the images, thoughts on upcoming trips and art fairs, as well as some trip reports, and random thoughts. If you are interested in more details about the things on this page, feel free to contact me.
I have to admit that I stole the title of this page from George R. R. Martin. If you don’t know who that is, all I can say “Drakharis”.
2024 — The Year that Was. From Maine to West Virginia and Everything in Between
It was a pretty busy year for me with many art fairs and exhibits. I still found some time to go out shooting. For the first time I overcame my aversion to cold weather and have had a significant amount of work done in Winter. I also visited Acadia National Park in early June (always a great location) and scouted locations for a workshop I am planning there in 2025 (stay tuned for the announcement). Then, in the Fall, I had a quick trip to Virginia and West Virginia.
Drinking from a Hose and Playing the World’s Tiniest Violin
Life has been very busy for me this fall (hence part of the title of this “definitely not a blog”). In fact, I got so busy with things ranging from business travel to participating in multiple art fairs that I barely had time to take new images and edit older ones (yes, I am still severely behind in my editing process, and that’s all I am going to say about that).
The second part of the title, is just to remind myself that despite being so busy, I am also very lucky to be able to do all these things, and I shouldn’t complain. In fact, I had a pretty good fair season so far, and also managed to combine some business travel with capturing some great images (more on that later).
All that being said, I finally got a little breather now, and am able to get ready for new art fairs and photographic adventures.
So, I Want to Purchase a Print, Which One Should I choose?
So, I Want to Purchase a Print, Which One Should I Choose?
So, you’ve decided to purchase a Fine Art Photographic Print. First of all, welcome! You’ve come to the right place.
Here is the problem. With so many options, how do you decide? Each case is, obviously a highly personal one and depends on what else is going on in your home. For a brief explanation of the different print types I offer, please, check out the “What I Offer” page. To make a long story short, there is no one “correct” answer. Or more like the usual non-commital “it depends” answer. It really does depend, though. I am here to work with you on the best print type and size that would work for your home and make you happy.